- Letting luck decide: Estimating the causal effects of government procurement on the growth of small firms Journal of Development Studies.
Publication |
Data and code
- The effects of income shocks on human capital accumulation. International Journal of Sustainable Economy. (2019) Publication
- Classifying small (TL3) regions based on metropolitan population, low density and remoteness (with Garcilazo J., Moreno-Monroy A. and Veneri P.) OECD Regional Development Working Papers (2019). Publication
- The effect of public sector efficiency on firm-level productivity growth (with Garda P. and Pisu M.) OECD Economics Department Working Papers (2019). Publication
- Delineating Functional Areas in All Territories (with Kleine L. and Veneri P.) OECD Territorial Reviews (2019). Publication
- Measuring the distance to the SDGs: This tool allows selected cities and regions to measure their distance achieving the SDGs.
- Cities in the World: This tool shows all urban centres and metropolitan areas in the world with at least 50 thousand inhabitants.
- Regions in Transition: This tool provides an overview of key indicators for industrial transition across OECD countries.